The Science and Art of Achieving Happiness
"The Science and Art of Achieving Happiness," is a reassuring expedition led by esteemed happiness authorities Dr. Jay Kumar and Gopi Kallayil.
The Science and Art of Achieving Happiness
Lesson 1: Befriend Yourself
Lesson 2: Head vs. Heart
Lesson 3: The Bingo Effect
Lesson 4: Achieving the Bingo Effect Interactive Workbook
Lesson 1: Give Yourself Daily MEDALS
Lesson 2: The Four C’s of a Happy Brain
Lesson 3: The Three B's of the Inner-Net
Lesson 4: The Four C's in Action Interactive Workbook
Lesson 1: The Ripple Effect
Lesson 2: The Ripple of Generosity
Lesson 3: Kindness at the Office
Lesson 4: Kindness in Action: Quiz and Planner
Lesson 1: Enlightened Leadership
Lesson 2: Finding Joy in the Here and Now
Final Assessment
Course Survey